Happiness at the Eaton House

2014-06-19 13.16.26

Krista came by early to take newborn photos of Lottie and Lottie picked that morning to have her first break down. Her cord has been taking its time to fall off so I can only assume it was bothering her. She was having such a hard time all morning Josh and I were afraid something was wrong so (as first parents do) we called the pediatrician and scheduled a visit later that afternoon

Amanda was already on her way from Chicago so Brooks and Lottie could meet for the first time. So while we tried to calm Lottie down Amanda met us at the apartment and they had their first play date. It was so refreshing to have these to fabulous friends in my apartment! After the first week of figuring out this parenting thing, I loved having these two mamas as an inspiration and support.

The pediatrician looked at the cord and thought it looked fine. Told us not to do anything, just wait for it to dry up. He did look at her eye which had been gunky the past few days and decide to treat taht for a possible clogged tear duct. So for the next 5 days we are putting antibiotic on her eyelid as she cries bloody murder – It’s not fun for us either baby girl!

2014-06-20 18.51.40

After all the excitement Lottie slept like a baby the rest of the day. What an adventure 🙂

Lottie was 1 week 20 hours old.

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