Day 7: First Pediatrician Visit

2014-06-19 15.05.34

We had our first pediatrician visit today and were so happy to love our pediatrician so much. The pediatrician that I had chosen is currently on maternity leave herself, so we met with someone else in her practice… who I think we might stay with! Lottie did great – she got her Hep B vaccine and she took it like a champ. It will never get easy to see your daughter (especially little baby) get a shot!

She was almost back to her birth weight at 7 lbs 13 oz so she’s doing a great job of eating! Mamas got milk!

2014-06-17 16.33.28

I was back to work this week with a cute new co worker. Really I don’t get more than one thing done a day, but Im answering emails and finishing up all the hard work I did in May to work ahead.

Luckily I am pretty good at sleeping when baby sleeps, so I try to get in a nap every day. Try being the keyword in that sentence.. there is so much to do in the day and not enough time! She’s not awake for long, but when Lottie wakes up, we try to do tummy time and play as much as newborns can play.

Lottie was 1 week 20 hours old.

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